Courses + Programs

1 Year Degree Track to Complete Your Bachelor,

Master, and Doctorate

Air and Space Studies, B.A., M.A., Ph.D

Thessalonika A. Embry University establishes foundations of knowledge and sparks career advancement through the Air and Space Studies degree program. Specifically, students are equipped as leaders who will competently manage challenges within industries of safety management, unmanned systems, aircraft and airline support, meteorology, transportation, defense, and aeronautics.

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Learning and Pedagogy, B.A., M.A., PhD

Through this Learning and Pedagogy curriculum, TAEU will generate positive change for soldiers, sailors, airmen, and family members through training students to become qualified Professional Learners. TAEU intends that graduates of this program will harness knowledge acumen and integrate research to revolutionize teaching, advising, tutoring, and educational delivery across the industries of government, business, finance, health and wellness, technology, and science.

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Human Philosophy, B.A., M.A., Ph.D

How does community decision-making affect neighborhoods and city actions? How can a person acquire feelings of empowerment that will enable them to shape their own future? How can our society practice mindfulness? Thessalonika A. Embry University officially recognizes human philosophy as a significant field of study to blaze new trails in conducting research, raising awareness, and generate societal change to improve quality of life for military personnel and civilians.

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Wealth Cultivation, B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.

Through this Wealth Cultivation degree program, Thessalonika A. Embry University's faculty and professional advisors will generate positive change for middle class and military families through setting strategic direction exploration of the challenges and opportunities of wealth, while preparing you for managing wealth professionally if you aspire to enter a career in finance.

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